Transformed the legal governmental sector by designing a user-friendly platform streamlining legal document exchange and processes.


Creative27 significantly enhanced the governmental legal sector by developing AI4Govt, a platform that modernizes legal documentation and courtroom procedures. By crafting an intuitive user interface, Creative27 not only streamlined the workflow for clerks, attorneys, and lawyers but also set a new standard for operational clarity in traditionally complex processes.

Going beyond design, Creative27 redefined AI4Govt’s market presence with innovative strategies, bridging the gap between outdated systems and modern legal demands. This resulted in a user-friendly platform that revolutionized government-led legal services, demonstrating a remarkable improvement in efficiency and user engagement.

Our Roles

Client Services


Qualitative Research

Competitive Audit

User Experience Design

User Interface Design


Government-led legal platforms are notoriously outdated and inefficient, hindering the workflow of legal professionals and complicating courtroom procedures.


Creative27 addressed this challenge by deploying its expertise in digital product design to develop AI4Govt, a user-friendly platform that modernizes legal document exchange and courtroom processes.


Our approach prioritized intuitive design and seamless functionality, effectively transforming the landscape of governmental legal services and setting a new standard in efficiency and user engagement.

User Experience Design: Responsive

In shaping AI4Govt, Creative27 meticulously crafted the blueprint, laying the foundation for a seamless and intuitive user experience in the governmental legal domain.

User Interface Design

For the UI aspect of AI4Govt, Creative27 infused simplicity and ease of use into its design, creating a unique, user-friendly interface that stands out in the governmental sector. 

User Experience Design: Responsive

In crafting the marketing website for AI4Govt, Creative27 highlighted the platform’s exceptional value addition and efficiency, showcasing how it revolutionizes the user experience for its customers in the governmental legal sphere.

Who we impress

Transforming bold visions into digital excellence, as reflected in testimonials from Samsung, Apple, T-Mobile, and more.

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