Behind every great app is a well conducted app research and discovery process. Creative 27 offers you both.

Creating strategy and direction requires app research, discovery, and insights
Strategy is essential to provide direction to your app, giving you an action plan to work toward success.
The app research, discovery, and insights allow you to create new and innovative solutions, as well as add new features to existing solutions for your app; based on the wants and desires of your audience and the insights from your competitors.
Research, discovery, and insights should work as a layer on top of your app strategy. This layer ensures that app strategy decisions are made with app research and insights in mind to validate their benefit to the app and the goals of your business, of course.
Whether you have an app idea or an existing app, creating strategy and direction requires research, discovery, and insights. This process is connected to design, development, marketing, cost management and other parts of app strategy.
Without its app research and insights, your app is running blind and hoping for the best. With research, discovery, and insights applied to your app strategy, you can rest comfortably that you are on the best path possible to achieve success for your app.

A two-pronged approach to app research…
Creative27 follows a two-pronged approach which includes both the audience and key competitors.
We study competing brands and analyze their key messages, promotional tactics, channels of distribution, social response, and other important factors. A deep understanding of their overall strategy, strengths, and weaknesses give us a distinct advantage as it helps us to design your app strategy that meets your apps objectives, such as the app research preliminary pointers.
If you’re ready to sit down with an award-winning app design, development, & marketing agency to turn your idea into a fully functioning solution, get in touch with the team at Creative27 to initiate your app research discoveries.