Winner of 2017 IAC Award for Best Music Mobile Application, Stashimi gives music lovers all the songs, videos, photos, news, concert info and more from their favorite bands and artists.
Stashimi entrusted Creative27 with the task of defining and establishing a completely new kind of music service product from the ground up. No easy task, but we were ready to rock.
Our team led the research process to uncover how people currently use music apps and where there are gaps. With this information, we’ve built the digital jukebox people want, but don’t have yet.

Our goal was to discover the future of mobile music & then encapsulate it inside a beautifully designed app.

Recent Awards
CES 2016 Innovation Award Winner
Featured on Entrepreneur Magazine
Corporate America Boardroom Elite Best Digital Agency
IF Communication Award
Best International Mobile Website Award
Best Mobile App Award: Silver
Appy Awards
Best Mobile App Award: Platinum
Awwwards Nominee
Best Business of Los Angeles Award in Web Design