Beats By Dre single handedly added the ‘cool’ factor to headphones and speakers. Our team injected this brand quality to the company’s mobile and web presence.

Specifically, we laid out annotated UX scenarios, screens, and functionality flows that maintained a consistent look and feel across the channels, gave the Beats University major exposure, & made it easy to browse and buy Beats By Dre’s products as well as follow the brand on social media.


It was a pleasure to work with Vasile on the next generation of our flagship product. He has a great artistic sense of design and mastery in user experience. I’ve enjoyed all of his insights and the times we would dive deep into product design. Thank you!

Chris Russell
Chief Technology Officer / Creative Channel Services

Recent Awards

CES 2016 Innovation Award Winner
Featured on Entrepreneur Magazine
Corporate America Boardroom Elite Best Digital Agency
IF Communication Award
Best International Mobile Website Award
Best Mobile App Award: Silver
Appy Awards
Best Mobile App Award: Platinum
Awwwards Nominee
Best Business of Los Angeles Award in Web Design