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A storyboard acts like a blueprint for your motion graphic where we showcase the concept by creating key scenes, adding the script…

Following the creation of your first-class script, comes the storyboard. A storyboard acts like a blueprint for your motion graphic. At this stage we showcase the concept by creating key scenes, adding the script, drawing animation and carefully placing each component in the right place. When we storyboard, we try to include as much detail as possible.
Adding a lot of detail to the storyboard helps us to see the big picture so that we can make edits and changes where appropriate, before getting too far into the process. It is common that the storyboard will go through several rounds of review before it is finalized.
The storyboarding process is critical in getting the overall messaging correct. We review this with our clients and review the market research to ensure the vision is still hitting the desired goals. Then, we analyze it intensively to ensure that it is top notch, before moving ahead to production. Understanding what the audience is looking for helps us to define the content, tone, style, effects and the overall message that is conveyed through the video.
We analyze their demographic, behavioral or psychographic profile of your audience so that we can create a video which will elicit the right response on the very first viewing.
Creative27’s team has a long history of creating successful storyboards and scripts which not only grab attention but are informative and interesting for the viewer to remain engaged. To create winning storyboards, we study competing brands and analyze their key messages, promotional tactics, channels of distribution, social response, production quality and a host of other relevant factors.
Gaining a deep understanding of your competitor’s overall strategy, strengths, and weaknesses give us a distinct advantage, as it helps us leverage this information to accurately meet your business objectives.
With more than a decade in the app industry, Creative27 brings an unparalleled level of knowledge and expertise to every phase of an apps life. We have designed, developed and marketed innumerable apps, giving us unique learnings and hands-on experience that we apply to every project we take on.
Creative27 is an award-winning app creator that over the years has been trusted by clients of all shapes and sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, to design, develop, and market their apps to the world.
Creative27 has designed storyboards for a range of clients to engage and drive their users to action.
For all of your motion graphic needs, Creative27 brings a host of experience and success in the scripting, storyboarding, animation, design, sound and final rendering.