We’re excited to start 2019 and about all the projects we’ll be working on this year. Last year was a big year for Creative27. We’ve deployed 4 major multi-platforms projects on behalf of our clients and Launched a revolutionary break-through internal product called Vabotu.

For 2019, we’ve got several awards lined up on behalf of our clients, new exciting projects we are working on and we’ve been recognized as a top App Design & Development Company on DesignRush.
Creative27 has also introduced C27 Academy. A program designed to help those who are passionate about design learn everything they need to start a career as an App Designer. C27 Academy will be launching later this year and we’re excited about it!
While we can’t share much about some exciting projects for 2019, what we can tell you is:
• Creative27 has partnered with with a company to redefine the social closet
• We’re getting ready to launch an exciting international private members’ club facilitating creatives to Connect, Collaborate and Create.
• We’re introducing Vabotu across iOS and Android and via a Mac and Windows App
We look forward to a great 2019!